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Building supervision

The tasks of the municipal building supervision authority are legislated in the Land Use and Building Act(opens in a new window, switching to another service). According to the Act, the building supervision authority is responsible for supervising construction activities and for ensuring that construction activities comply with the provisions of the Land Use and Building Act or the regulations made pursuant to it. The municipal building supervision authority is also responsible for providing general guidance and advice on construction in the municipality.

The building supervision will be changed next year in 2025.

You can contact Tissari Jouni for more information. You can find his contact details below.


Existing zoning plans:

New Land Use and Building Act(opens in a new window, switching to another service) will become valid in 1.1.2025 and in the same time, the construction provisions of the land use and construction law will be repealed and the name of the remaining law will be changed to Land Use Act(opens in a new window, switching to another service). Also, the Ministry of the Environment is preparing to reform the Land Use Act(opens in a new window, switching to another service). You can contact Vainikainen Juha and Miettinen Emilia about zoning related matters. Their contact details can be found below.


The municipality of Pielavesi sells plots for different types of houses in the village, close to the good and varied everyday services. Private landowners might also sell house plots around Pielavesi.

See more information on the site.

Properties in Pielavesi

Contact us

Tissari Jouni


rakennusvalvonta, yksityistiet

040 595 7767

Vainikainen Juha

ympäristön ja asumisen johtaja

040 489 4834

Määttä Mirja

hallinnon asiantuntija

hankinnat, kaavoitus, maankäyttö

ympäristön ja asumisen lautakunta, rakennusvalvontajaosto

040 489 4200