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Error Reports and Service Requests

Error reports and service requests concerning municipal buildings, industrial halls and rented buildings

You can send an error report or a service request concerning municipal buildings, industrial halls and rented buildings for example if:

Error reports and service requests

You can send an error report or a service request using an electronic form below.

Urgent notifications

Urgent cases are those which pose an imminent danger to people and/or the property. These situations can be for instance water and sewerage leaks or electricity malfunctions.

In urgent cases, please contact:

Päivystävä kiinteistönhoitaja

040 026 3000

Päivystävä vesilaitoksen hoitaja

040 021 1688

Feedback concerning road networks

For feedback on the government roads you can give via the feedback of the ELY-centre(opens in a new window, switching to another service).

You can give feedback on roads maintained by the municipality:

Kokkonen Janne

kuntatekniikan päällikkö

vesi- ja viemärilaitos, liikenneväylät, yleiset alueet, puistot ja viheralueet

050 441 1170