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School of Säviä

The school is located in the village of Säviä, at the junction of Lake Pielavesi and Nilakka, in the embrace of a beautiful lake landscape.


In the academic year of 2023, the school has 40 students across the 0-6 grades. There are working 3 teachers, 2 school counsellors and a part-time special needs teacher in the school. Teaching takes into consideration different seasons of nature. The daycare Muksula is also located in the school building. Afternoon club activities are organized for the 0-2 graders in the school premises. The club activities include rest, afternoon snacks, homework, exercises and crafts. On the school yard, there is also an ice hockey rink and ski tracks start from the yard as well.

I know everyone by their names!

A boy from the fifth grade, student of the Säviä school

Important values to us

  • Nature
  • Community
  • Emotion and interaction skills
  • Exercise
  • Entrepreneurship

The parents of our school have set up a parents’ association, Säviän Vanhemmat ry. Thanks to the support of an active association, children have access to a range of different equipment for class breaks and have the opportunity to go on trips every year. The many operations in the village community, work together with the school, creating a communal, warm and caring atmosphere.

Distances from Säviä

Säviä is conveniently close to everything!

80 km
to Kuopio
64 km
to Iisalmi
59 km
to Viitasaari
20 km
to Keitele

Contact us

Korhonen Sari

Säviän koulun koulunjohtaja

050 517 7120