In the municipality library of Pielavesi you can loan books, magazines, music and other materials with a library card. You can also borrow some exercising equipment.
The library has computers for customers that can be used for searching information and for reading online magazines.
The library is also known for a place to organize different events and exhibitions.
You have also opportunities to visit the library before and after customer service hours. In this case, you can open the outdoors with your library card and a personal PIN code. The loaning and returning material happens via the self-service point.
Free and paid services in library
Remote working
You can reserve space for remote working and small group work on the customer service time. Seek more information from the customer service.
Exhibition space is free for exhibition organizers. The space is about 50 square meters. Seek more information from the customer service.
Gym Card
Gym card can be purchased on the customer service time. It can open the sports hall side door, the gym door, the locker rooms and the virtual space door. The key costs 50 euros, which is one-off payment to use the gym for the time being. You can purchase the key with ePassi or a debit card.
Available to loan e.g. sports equipment, guitars, snow shoes and tennis rackets
Loan time is 1 week. You cannot renew or reserve the materials.
Copying, printing and scanning
Scanning documents cost 2 € / a page.
Cost of copying:
A4 black and white 1 € / a page
A4 color 2 € / a page
A3 black and white 1,50 € / a page
A3 color 2,50 € / a page
The library is a meeting place and cultural centre open for all. It offers free access to magazines, books, music, films and other materials.
Facebook page of Pielavesi libraryPuhelinnumero
Loaning and customer service
+358 404894191
Laurinpurontie 14 A
Service hours
Sat–Sun 09:00–21:00
Tue–Thu 10:00–16:00
Fri 10:00–15:00
Contact us
Kirjaston asiakaspalvelu
040 489 4191
Laurinpurontie 14 A