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Local initiative for municipal citizens

The local initiative is a tool for direct influence. It allows a resident to raise a topical matter or problem and draw the attention of decision makers to it.

An initiative usually proposes an improvement on a particular issue, and often seeks to promote the interests of a wider group. The local initiative should therefore not be confused with a feedback or an application.

You can submit a local initiative on the website or you can deliver it electronically or by letter post to the municipality’s Administrative and Support services. You can visit the website by the link.

The local initiative usually concerns the development of a service or issue at a general level. The competent municipal authority must take up the initiative as soon as possible. In all cases, the municipality must respond to the initiator and inform them of the action taken on the submitted initiative. In addition, at least five per cent of the inhabitants of a municipality are entitled to vote, may take the initiative to organize a municipal referendum. If at least five per cent of those inhabitants jointly take the initiative to hold a municipal referendum, the municipal council shall decide without delay whether to hold a municipal referendum.

If you have questions concerning the topic, you can contact the information management expert Räisänen Henna.

Municipal notices

Municipal notices are made public by publishing them on the public information network, subject to the provisions on secrecy. You can find municipal notices in the link.

If you need more information, you can contact Räisänen Henna. Her contact details are below.

Give us feedback

You can give us feedback, ask a question or make an request by an e-mail. You can send your concerns to the municipality’s e-mail:

Remember to leave your name and contact information in the e-mail if you wish to be contacted by phone.

However, you should not include any sensitive information such as a social security number in the e-mail.

Contact us

Räisänen Henna

tiedonhallinnan asiantuntija

keskusvaalilautakunnan sihteeri, tarkastuslautakunnan sihteeri

040 670 5812