A shift daycare unit Tarulinna is located in the centre of Pielavesi. It provides early childhood care in the evenings, at night and on the weekends when required. Our location close to nature inspires hiking and outdoor activities in all seasons. The close forests and other local nature are important learning environments. In addition to nature education, the most important priorities are physical education and positive pedagogy.
Our operation is based on the national and municipality of Pielavesi early childhood care plan. The daycare provides early childhood education that supports children’s balanced growth, development and learning in a planned and goal-oriented way. A separate early childhood care plan is made for each child for each operation period, together with the child’s guardians.
We want to create a stimulating and safe early childhood care environment where every child can feel accepted for who they are. The surrounding area, a large courtyard and new premises, which was renovated in 2022, provide modern and flexible learning environments. Playing is a big part of the day. Tarulinna’s early childhood care staff welcomes the opinions, ideas and thoughts of guardians on how to improve the activities. The operation is based on child-centered thinking and educational cooperation, in which the guardians and early childhood care staff commit to working together in the best interests of the child.
There are four groups operating in Tarulinna: Tiitiäiset (under the age of 3), Menninkäiset (shift daycare unit, all children in need of shift daycare), Vesselit (3-5 year olds) and Maahiset (integrated small unit, 2-5 year olds).
Servica is in charge of the food supply and sanitation of Tarulinna.
Our shared values are the cornerstone of our operation:
- Courage – We are brave to express our feelings. We have the courage to do, try and also make mistakes. We have the courage to defend our own and friends’ rights. We are brave to dream and be our own wonderful selves.
- Safety – Comprehensive safety includes physical safety (a safe and healthy environment), social and psychological safety (interaction, inclusion and freedom of expression), and pedagogical safety (a safe environment for growth and learning, encouragement, support and interaction between children and adults).
- Community – Each child is important and valuable as their own selves. We strengthen the child’s participation and sense of being seen and heard through small group activities, full-time pedagogy, positive pedagogy and play. Also educational cooperation with guardians is important to us.
- Equality – We operate in a norm-conscious and gender-sensitive way, treating each child as an individual, guaranteeing the same rights, responsibilities, opportunities and learning environment for everyone. We take into account the individual needs of each child and the diversity of families.
You are warmly welcomed to Tarulinna!
Contact us
Daycare Tarulinna is a shift daycare unit in Pielavesi.
+358 407306140
+358 403578929
+358 401841234
+358 408669070
Kontiotie 7