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In Case of an Accident at School

An accident is a sudden, external event that causes bodily injury and occurs involuntarily.

You must seek treatment immediately, but no later than 14 days after the accident. An accident report form is filled in at school, after which the school office makes an electronic accident report to the insurance company (IF).

An accident covers:

The insurance company of the Pielavesi municipality is If Vahinkovakuutusyhtiö Oy.

Progress of the accident handling

The guardian or a school staff member goes with the student to the nearest health centre or to the hospital KYS.

You can find the IF insurance company’s health service partners in the link below (in Finnish).

Expensive singular examinations and operations require a commitment to pay.

The school secretary makes an electronic accident report to the insurance company on the basis of the teacher’s accident report for the student’s accident at school. An accident report is made to the insurance company only if

Every time at registering, always remember to mention that it is a school accident and the billing goes to the municipality. Under the age of 18 is not charged with hospital outpatient clinic fees, only treatment fees are charged.

An accident has happened during the school journey or student needs care after the school day

Costs incurred by the guardian

If the guardian has incurred expenses related to the school accident, the guardian themselves seek compensation of the costs they have paid. The municipality’s accident insurance is with the insurance company IF. Their insurance number is: SP0004345447.

You can only claim compensation for the expenses paid. First the guardian pays the expenses themselves and then applies compensation directly from the insurance company in a new window, switching to another service) select the option Public Sector Accidents (Julkisyhteistyön tapaturmat) and the insurance number SP0004345447.

The guardian gets the decision from the insurance company by post, when the compensation application has been processed.

Dental accident

In the case of dental accidents, the student is primarily directed to the dental clinic of the health centre in the region of their school, also the use of private dental clinic is compensated.

For the compensation handling of the dental accident, the insurance company needs the dentist’s report/treatment proposal. Any dental report will be delivered to the child’s school.

If the dental visit has taken place in the private dental clinic or in the hospital emergency room, the guardian must ask for a dental certificate to be sent to the child’s school for the insurance company.

Accident requires transportation to the school

If the student has to travel to the school because of a school accident, for example by taxi, the municipality is obliged to take care of the transportation. If you need transportation, please contact the Growth and Learning Services office.

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