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Energy advice

Since May 2019, regional energy advice has been provided in all Finnish regions (except Ã…land). Each province has its own energy adviser, who provides free energy advice to households, housing associations, municipalities and small and medium-sized enterprises.

In Northern Savonia, you can ask energy advice from the city of Kuopio: Energy Advice Service – Kuopio(opens in a new window, switching to another service)

Environmental protection services

The environmental protection services of Pielavesi municipality are organized in collaboration with the other municipalities of Upper Savonia. The aim of environmental protection is to ensure a healthy, comfortable, naturally sustainable and biodiverse environment. As an environmental protection authority of Iisalmi, Kiuruvesi, Sonkajärvi, Pielavesi and Vieremä is the Upper Savonia Environment Committee.

The tasks of the municipal environment protection authority include water protection, waste management, air quality noise abatement, soil materials and environmental permits and notifications.

About the environmental protection services, you can contact Hujanen Tiina. You can find her contact details below.

Climate work

We are currently developing new climate program that would be announced late 2024 or earliest 2025!

Private roads and road networks

The Private Roads Act(opens in a new window, switching to another service) regulates private roads and road rights, their creation, modification and termination, road maintenance on private roads, private road concessions and the rights and obligations of road owners and other interested parties. Private roads can be divided into three groups that are private roads on the property, contract roads and delivery roads.

In the private road related matters, you can contact Tissari Jouni. His contact details can be found in the contacts list below.

The municipality of Pielavesi is in charge for the planning and maintenance of the roads and light traffic roads in the urban area of the village. Almost all the roads are lit. The management and maintenance of the municipality’s roads and light traffic roads has been outsourced: between 2022 and 2027, the management and maintenance is carried out by Hirvasoja and Väätäinen consortium.

About the road network maintained by the municipality, you can contact Kokkonen Janne. His contact details can be found below.

Waste management

The tasks of organizing waste management belong to Upper Savonia Waste Management Oy(opens in a new window, switching to another service).

The tasks of the waste management authority belong to Upper Savonia Waste Management Board(opens in a new window, switching to another service).

Pielavesi has a waste depot, eco-points and a landfill site.

You can get more information on the waste depot here: Waste sorting centres- Upper Savonia Waste Management(opens in a new window, switching to another service)

You can find the locations of eco-points here: in a new window, switching to another service)

For the landfill site, if you have questions or need to make an agreement on importing waste, or it is about a junk vehicle, please contact the head of municipal engineering Kokkonen Janne.

Littered areas

In the centre of Pielavesi, you can report about littered areas to building inspector Tissari Jouni. Outside of the centre Pielavesi, you can report about littered areas to environmental protection inspector Hujanen Tiina.

Contact us

Hujanen Tiina


kuntakohtainen toiminta-alue Pielavesi

040 017 3345

Tissari Jouni


rakennusvalvonta, yksityistiet

040 595 7767

Kokkonen Janne

kuntatekniikan päällikkö

vesi- ja viemärilaitos, liikenneväylät, yleiset alueet, puistot ja viheralueet

050 441 1170