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Boating and boat spots

The municipality rents boat spots on a dock at the marina in the centre of Pielavesi. The price of a boat spot for the open water season is 150,00 €. There is no charge for the storage of rowing boats in their designed areas on the shore of the centre of Pielavesi.

There are also two quest boat harbors in Pielavesi. You can find more information in the free-time and tourism section or going straight to it by the link below:

About boat related matters, you can contact Kokkonen Janne and Valta Päivi. You can find their contact details below.

Water utility and payments

The water utility of the municipality of Pielavesi is under the municipality’s Environment Department. The operational areas of the Pielavesi water utility are the centre of Pielavesi and the urban area of Säviä. The water utility’s activities are divided into four different areas:

About the water utility payment related matters, you can contact Valta Päivi. About the water connections, you can contact Kokkonen Janne. Both of their contact details are in the contacts list below.

Rental home from Pielavesi

If you are interested in renting a place in Pielavesi, we offer you reasonable priced and safe homes for every life situations and for all ages from young adults to seniors.

See more information on the page itself.

Rental Home from Pielavesi

Outdoor carpet cleaning place

The place is located at the end of Toritie, on the shore of lake Pielavesi.

The carpet cleaning place is open from the beginning of the summer to the end of the summer. Lake water is used to wash carpets and the washing water is discharged into the sewerage system. The use of the washing facilities is free, but users are expected to clean up after themselves.

Contact us

Kokkonen Janne

kuntatekniikan päällikkö

vesi- ja viemärilaitos, liikenneväylät, yleiset alueet, puistot ja viheralueet

050 441 1170

Valta Päivi

taloushallinnon assistentti

vesilaskutus, laiturivenepaikkojen varaaminen

050 533 7040