Youth Services
The youth services offer things to do and activities for free time, support when starting in the working life and help with challenging life situations. Youth work is carried out not only in the traditional premises, but also by going to schools and where the young people are.
Youth work
The youth work supports young people’s well-being and their growth in different areas of their lives. The youth work gives an opportunity to attend, arrange, explore and create. The youth office organizes meaningful free time activities for young people such as trips, theme nights, courses and so on. The youth work offers free time activities for young people of all ages and helps and supports with service guidance in a wide range of life situations and the early stages of the working life.
The youth work focuses on improving the living conditions of young people and creating the conditions for their civic participation in cooperation with many different actors.

With the young, for the young and as the voice of the young
The youth work in Pielavesi is about being and doing together. It is about taking young people’s things and thoughts forward and making their voices heard.
The youth work is done with a positive attitude – no matter the weather!
The night cafe is a safe and warm meeting place on Friday nights for 6. grades and older youth over that age. You can come to the night cafe to meet friends, to play games, to cook or just to have conversation with the counsellors. The night cafe organizes different theme nights at random throughout the year.
The nigh cafe operation is organized every Friday night at the Pielavesi youth centre in cooperation with the youth service association and volunteers. The night cafe operation is coordinated by the youth office and the operation has been organized since the autumn 1997.
In the night cafe as in the youth centre and the youth office actions in general, good manners and the principle of zero blood alcohol levels are followed.
Also adults and parents of young people are welcome to have coffee or to visit the night cafe.
For the trips organized by the youth office, children under the legal age need their guardian’s approval. You can download the approval form from below or you can get it from the youth office. The signed forms must be delivered to the youth office before the trip.
Youth work on social media
Outreach youth work
Outreach youth work offers help for 15-29-year old young people dealing with the things that cause a young person headaches in everyday life. The challenges can be related to for example school or money matters, applying for work, living problems or any other matter, which in the young person feels like needing help for.
For young people is offered individualized, step-by-step support. The action starts from the young person’s wishes and needs that are very confidential and voluntary for the young person. If necessary, for the young person’s network is gathered cooperation partners such as TE office, social work, educational institutions, organizations, health-care services and so on.
The outreach youth worker meets the young person and looks for answers to questions on the young person’s mind and helps them to get the services they need. For example, the outreach youth worker helps you to deal with different authorities or applying for a job or a school.
Outreach youth work on social media
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Contact us
Turkka Mika
040 489 4957
Kumpulainen Ansku
etsivä nuorisotyöntekijä
040 124 3978
Pielavesi youth centre offers a safe place for free time activities!
Laurinpurontie 14