Hunting and Fishing
Rental of hunting rights
The municipality of Pielavesi leases hunting rights to hunting association on the forest holdings owned by them. The contracts are formulated for five years at a time and it concerns the hunting of elks and large carnivores. For small game, no contracts are made and municipal citizens have the right to hunt small game on the municipal lands.
Contact us
Vainikainen Juha
ympäristön ja asumisen johtaja
040 489 4834
Ympäristön ja asumisen palvelualueen toimipiste
Tila- ja vuokrauspalvelut, kunnallistekniikka, vesi- ja viemärilaitos, kaavoitus, rakennusvalvonta
Työmme on välillä liikkuvaa, suosittelemme varaamaan ajan toimistolla asiointia varten.
Puustellintie 10
Fishing areas and licenses
All 18-64-year olds, who fish for any other purpose than ice fishing or angling, must pay an annual state fishing fee. The license entitles you to fish with one fishing rod and lure in almost all areas of Finland.
If you fish with more than one fishing rod, you need a permit from the fishing area concerned.
The permits for Pielavesi and Nilakka fishing areas can be purchased from Neste Pielavesi (phone number: 040 8644788).
You can find more information on the management fee and fishing permits and how to pay them on the following links:
Rapids and riverside fishing sites
You can ask more information from Heikki Partanen, phone number: 040 0378829
For more information on permit prices and how to pay, see the Pielavesi-Nilakka Kalatalousalue website: