Unitary School of Pielavesi
In the centre of Pielavesi, there is the unitary school of Pielavesi, which includes Rannankylä school (grades 0-5) and Puustelli school (grades 6-9).
School of Rannankylä

Time is given for meetings and listening in the school of Rannankylä. With us, we learn to respect others and take responsibly for ourselves, own community, environment and studying.
Your own roots and appreciating them is in an important role and at the same time we head our gaze to the world through international cooperation.
We invest in skills of learning and we also prepare students for future society with digital skills. Because everyone learns in their own way, we take into consideration different ways of learning.
In the academic year of 2023-2024, there are studying 141 students in the school of Rannankylä. The school has 15 teachers, 6 school counsellors, 2 cleaning and food service staff as well as a school psychologist, curator and nurse.
In clear air by clear water, our school grows heartfelt, responsible, caring and managing in the world kind of people.
School of Puustelli
The grades 6-9 study in the school of Puustelli, which is part of the unitary school of Pielavesi. At the moment, our school has 170 students. Everyone in grades 7 to 9 in our school has access to a school issued laptop. The opportunities brought by digitality can be utilized in teaching whenever necessary.
The main mission of our school is to support the growth and learning of young people with cooperation of the homes. Our school’s general education, active participating and a wide range of cooperation with different operators support the young towards an independent life. Our school implements small group sizes and meets students individually, which provides a good base for learning and that way to process to secondary education. As a compact unit, we can also effectively intervene bullying and create a safe learning environment for every student. Despite our small size, we offer a wide range of education courses. Our optional course palette is extensive, which includes for example expressive arts and ICT in addition to the familiar arts and crafts. In addition, at the moment our school has active international activities in the form of the wExchange project.

The school of Puustelli has active clubs and options are available in arts and crafts. Sport possibilities at the school are broad, which enables engaging hobbies on or near the school premises. During the school year, the gymnasium of the Puustelli school is also used regularly in the evenings and as a venue for different events.
Contact us
School of Rannankylä is part of the unitary school of Pielavesi. The school has grades from 0 to 5.
School of Rannankylä, Peda.net websitePuhelinnumero
+358 404894171
Puistotie 7
The school of Puustelli is part of the unitary school of Pielavesi. The school has grades from 6 to 9.
School of Puustelli, Peda.net websitePuhelinnumero
Substitute head master
+358 407012541
Guidance counsellor
+358 406472521
School secretary
+358 403506233
Laurinpurontie 23