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Buying a plot of land for a detached house, single-family house, row house, apartment building or industrial site

The municipality of Pielavesi sells plots for different types of houses in the village, close to the good and varied everyday services. In addition, in the Kohoniemi area near the centre of Pielavesi, there are single-family house plots available for owner-occupation.

Private landowners may also have plots available in both centre of Pielavesi and in the countryside villages, including in the coastal areas. You can find the private sellers and plots from the links below.

Please contact us if you have any questions or you want to buy a house plot here in Pielavesi!

Presentation video of the house plots of Kohoniemi

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Contact us

Vainikainen Juha

ympäristön ja asumisen johtaja

040 489 4834

Määttä Mirja

hallinnon asiantuntija

hankinnat, kaavoitus, maankäyttö

ympäristön ja asumisen lautakunta, rakennusvalvontajaosto

040 489 4200

Niskanen Aarno


040 149 2204